
soon-to-be organic girl (with not-so-excited-about-it son) ~Beth

Monday, May 23, 2011


I am doing a Willie Green’s 30 Day Organic diet “WG30” which will involve 30 days of eating nothing but organic, with an emphasis on Willie Green’s Organic Farm produce and other local items.  Why am I doing such a thing?  I consider myself fairly normal but I don’t live by an organic creed or work my shopping list around local natural foods, and think it's time to.  I just celebrated my 36th birthday and woke up with sore knees and not much motivation to do anything outside the daily grind.
The goal in doing WG30 is to feel better about myself and create an easy, healthier way of life.  Let me just clarify something here, this is not a lose 10” in 10 days thing for me, and quite honestly I can be live with being a size 10 if I felt good about myself.  But I don’t.  They say it takes 30 days to create a habit so I am giving myself from June 1st to June 30th to create this healthy habit.
Next step: present to boss (owner of Willie Green’s Organic Farm).  When I presented this idea to Jeff he instantly liked it and asked if I was ready to blog the frankness about the process.  “Of course” I replied with enthusiasm.  Wait, am I a “blogger”?  Then visions of the before picture for the amazing before and after reveal on June 30th floated across my mind, then I thought about noting my weight and moods, eating habits, and vices for all to see…breathe, you can do this Beth…where’s my chocolate…OMG!  Can I have chocolate while on this?  I’m pretty sure I need chocolate to survive, it’s my survival food!
So after more thought (and more chocolate) I figured there’s no better way to create something like this than with you (yes, you) and your assistance in the WG30 development.  Just imagine, when I’m giving my interview on the Today Show I will mention “with the support of the local WG30 family (that’s you) I accomplished my goal of being queen of the world”.
With just 9 days until June 1st I guess I should get on the ball with meal planning and such!  Your thoughts, comments, hints, and recipes are much appreciated at any time!
Wish me luck (and access to organic, local chocolate) and talk to you soon!

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