I did it! I bought a juicer. I have a really good blender and tried to juice with it but it wasn’t quite right. I want to juice because I think it will help boost my veggie intake. Plus, I have heard nothing but positive reviews on juicing. I started this morning with carrot juice (9 WGOF baby carrots), and to tell you the truth, it was 10x better than I thought it might be. It was yummy and I felt good about starting the day with that choice.
The other reason I wanted to “juice” up on my veggies is an infamous event called a Bachelorette Party. This party, which is just 18 days away, entails floating down the Stilly river…which means (deep breath) wearing a swimsuit…in public. Even though that I have my juice recipe for tomorrow but would love to hear your favorite juice recipe. Please post it in the comments. Thanks and chat soon! ~Beth